Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Chapter 1: The Light of Hope

"Ah...That was some sleep...Guess I should be getting ready then..."

He yawn a bit as he walks off from his bed. Taking his towel that is hanged on the door he walks off to the bathroom. His name is Mirai Saito, a third-year student that is learning in a school where they learn how to control their Magic ability of the 4 elements Water, Wind, Fire and Earth. Although they still have their usual activity classes there such as Maths, English and others like the other normal school have.

As Saito walks out from the bathroom a couple minutes later, a soft and calm voice came from the stairs called him.

"Saito! Breakfast is ready. Once you're finish, come down and have some before you go."
"Ok Onee-Chan!"

He then gave a short replied to her and heads to his bedroom to prepare for the day. As he finish everything he then heads downstairs towards the kitchen. There was a couple of food on the table including a bento box that was just beside the food. He slides the chair and sit settle down for a while.

"Oh Saito, I've just made you the bento. Take it and share it with your friends alright"
"Ah...Yeah sure Onee-Chan"

The one called him from downstairs before was, Mirai Miyu, his sister. Long-black hair, beautiful and with a sweet smile on her face that she always does makes him happy. Its quite rare to see his sister becomes angry on something. He was glad to have a sister like her. He also have a twin sister which apparently went off to study somewhere else a couple of months ago, and her name was Mayu. They been contacting with each other since.
Saito look at his watch for a while. Seeing that the class is going to start soon, he then finish his breakfast and took the bento box on the table.

"Thanks Onee-Chan for the bento"
"Um take care alright Saito"
"I will"

He then left the house and make his 10 minutes journey to school. While he was walking he starts to think for a while as he look the the flowers blooming around and petals falling down calmly. For him, there was only his sister's left in his family. He wasn't sure the whereabouts of his parents since 8 years old but he was quite happy to stay with his sisters. As he continues walking, he wasn't really paying any much attention to his path, he bumped into a person and both of them fell down the ground.

"Ouch...That hurts..."

He rubbed his back and looks in front of him for a while. He notice a girl in front of him. He can't really see he face due to her hair covering her eyes.

"Sorry if I bump into you though"
"T-Thats O-Ok...I've got to go...!"

Without saying much she left the place in a hurry which also made her left one of the things there. Feeling quite odd he started to scratch the back of his head and sighs a bit decided to picked it up. He wanted to give back her belongings but it was kinda late for him.

"Its looks like an angel wing."

After looking at the item she dropped, he decided to keep it in his bag just in case they might meet up again. He then continues to walk to school. A couple of minutes later on he finally did. The building was big and was painted white as snow added with blue-colored lines. The school is comprised between section when it comes to magic training but not my element but by classes they take in the third year of schooling. As he continues to walk and looking around for a while, they were students tries to show all kinds of magic they learn in class. They were a nice sight to be seen.

Sliding the door, a girl then stepped fourth in front of him. It was one of his friend, Tressa. Red-colored with blazing eyes but kind-hearted and a great friend. They met since 8 years old at the playground.

"That took quite a while for you to come"
"Sorry... There was a bit of a problem on the way."
"Oh~ Must be bumping to someone today isn't it~?"
"H-Hey! T-Thats not it"

Both of them started to gave a small laugh after the conversation. Suddenly someone taps Saito's shoulder from behind. it was Sagara and Raito. The three of them are also a great friends to him since they were 12 years old. Sagara, a bit spiky,black-colored hair wearing a blue bandanna from his favorite game and Raito, a bit dark-blue colored and longed hair till his shoulder.

"Ossu...Saito. How are you been doing?"
"Yeah I've been doing fine I guess."
"Ah-Ha... Good ol' Saito"

They then continue their conversation till most of the student came into class. The door then slides open and and a young woman enters in the class. It was a new teacher for the school, short black-colored hair and wearing glasses and with a warm smile.

"Alright students. Class is about to begin soon. Please be in your seat. "

She then clapped her hands and gave a smile.

"My name is Hikari Rina and I'll be your new homeroom teacher. Hope you all study well"

She then held a book on the right side of her hand and start to begin their first class of the year. All of them started to pay attention to her. It was a nice time and they really like their homeroom since she always tries her best to make the student comfortable in class and tried to help them if they have problems. The class been going for a couple of hours now and before the class is over for recess, Rina made an announcement to the class.

"We will be expecting a new student in class soon so hope you all will give her a warm welcome for her."

After she finishes about what she wanted to say the bell finally ranged and most of the students starts to rush out from the class to the canteen to buy breads that is sold there leaving Saito, Tressa, Sagara, Raito and their teacher inside the class.

"Eh? All of you didn't go for recess?"
"Ah... we bought our own bento's so we only eat in class"
"Yup thats true Rina-Sensei~"
"Um I see. Mind if I join you? If you all don't mind"
"Sure! We'll be more than glad Sensei!"

They began to to introduce themselves and tell their stories about themselves and how their life been going on at the moment. Some of them were nice stories and some of them make them sad to be heard. All of them then continue to eat but it was been interrupted as they head a scream from outside the window. Curious, they look on what is happening outside. It was a girl and a couple of boys from another that was known to disturb and bully others at their school. It was the girl from before that Saito bumped. Without thinking much Saito open then window of the class.

"Once again...this isn't good at all."
"Um it seems so. What should we do?"
"Hey Satio are-"

Before Ratio even finish his sentence, Saito already jumps off from the window of the class.

"Woah... Guess thats Saito alright. Never want to see other people getting hurt."

Sagara sighs and smiled a bit on that time. Rina wasn't really sure on what to do that time, although as a teacher she still quite new about these kind of things. As soon as Saito lands in front of them the boys turned their attention to him with an angry face and their glaring eyes. One of the boys started to shout at Saito on that moment,

"Hey you! Don't you dare disturb us! If you do, you will pay for it!
"I think you guys better stop this. You're in our school ground. Please back away."
"Looks who's talking! Boys! Take him out and lets get this guy a ticket to the hospital!!"
"Guess this can't be helped"

Four of the boys starts to chant a summon spell to call out their artifact or in other words weapons. Sighing a bit Saito made a defensive stance against them. He does not like to harm anyone using his artifact so he started to chant multiple stun spell. He started to whispered slowly at the moment. A small cyclone started to spin on both of his hands making an orb.

"Spirits or wind and water, come to my aid... Whirlwind Strike!!"

As he finish, multiple magic projectile went out and hits to all four boys that is heading to him making them stunned and unable to hold their artifacts. Getting sick and tired the other boy takes the girl and and tries to run but the girl resist and give him a hard slap on the boys face. making him angrier he then push give a slap back to the girl and push her to a tree.

"This is what happen if you try to do that again. Farewell!"

The boy then summons his artifact and tries to take her out but before he could slash Saito grabs his weapon and gives him a force kick to make him flew high in the air and fell several meters away. After a while the boy wakes up and flee away from his sight which includes his comrades. Sighing a bit he then turns his attention to the girl. He realized that her hair didn't close her eyes at the moment. She was cute and Saito was stunned on that moment. Snapping out from his imagination he help the girl up. The girl started to blush a bit on that time and makes her hair to close her eyes again. She was a bit embarrassed to let other see her.

"T-Thank you...U-Um I need to go for now..."
"Ah alright then. Take care alright"

Seeing the girl leaving the place he suddenly remembered that he still have something to give her back. He then does a facepalm and sigh once again.

"Oi! Saito! Hurry up! Class is starting soon!"
"A-Ah ok!"

The situation finally goes back as usual as they entered back to class. As Saito enters the class, Rina then goes to him and pats his head. He wonders why she does that. With a smile she then started to talk a bit.

"Try not to do that kind of stunt again ok Saito"
"Gomene Sensei. I wasn't really meant to do it really but I just want to help."
"Um... Guess you do have a sense of justice inside you after all"

After a while the class started as usual. Since its the first day nothing much really happen in class except making small exercise and some activities. After a while Rina looks at the door seeing a student standing there and without further delays she puts down her book and looks at her students with a smile.

"Um... Looks like our new classmate arrives. Shes a bit shy but I hope you all can become her friends."

All of the students pays attention to the door in front of them waiting for her to come inside. At the door, she peeps in slowly and looks around for a while before going inside slowly. Saito didn't realized that the girl shes been seeing the whole day is going to be his classmates too. She then starts to introduce herself to class by bowing down a bit.

"H-Hello my name is Takara Satomi and hope that we can become f-friends"

She then smiled a bit and started to blush a bit. After a while the whole class started to clapped their hands and gave some encouragement to her. It was a cheering sight on that moment. Rina then shows where her seat is beside Saito, which somehow feels like a mere coincidence for Saito.
The class then continues as usual after all the introduction from Satomi.

After a long day of class it finally came to an end. The other students packed their books and run off happily leaving only a couple of people behind. On that time Saito decided to gave the item that she dropped from before.

"Here you go. You dropped this before."
"T-Thank you Saito-San..."
"Don't mention it I'm always here t-"

Without finishing his sentence, he was then being kissed at the cheek by her and she quickly left the place. Tressa, Raito and Sagara was pretty shock to see what had happen.

"Wo...Must be love"

Sagara said as he look at them for a while. Smiling a bit Tressa pats Saito's back on that time. Three of them start to laugh a bit once they sees Saito blush redly like a tomato after what had happen.

"Lets go home alright"
"A-Ah...yeah... Ok"
"Hey Hey! Lets head to the usual place"
"That sounds nice. Lets go there then"

After all four of them agree they walk off from the class and head to their place where they usually hang out and eat for the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The Light of Hope" - the title somewhat reminds me of Koutetsu Sangokushi (anime).

but anyway this isn't about Koutetsu Sangokushi. good job there for coming with delicious original plot to be read ^^